c'est la moux pas la choux.


Still no Dictionary, But I do Have A Humphrey!!

What might you ask is a dang Humphrey?  Well, you should ask, who?  Cuz, he is just the darnest, cutest, most adorable lil poopster you ever saw.  He is my nephew and here he is:

Look at his lil stocking feet!! So freaking cute!!!

Say “Ahhhhhhhhhh, Humphrey!!!”   Such a goooood boy!   Auntie JoJo loves you!


Look how pretty he is……looking at the doggies in the back yard.  Wooof!


OOOOOOOKKKKKK, i reeeeellllly had to poooop, ok?  you dont have to look, but, look at me cute lil face????

i still have a migraine, so off i go to bed, but wanted humphrey to say hey to suz and chris and diane and all the others out there that love boxers.  woof.  slurp, and lick!  night, mom is making me go night night now.  bad mommy. 


Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh...he is gorgeous...even when he is pooping. He and Cocoa could be twins.
why does he wear so many collars...is he a new yorker?

C said...

lmao @ suz...

i want him.

there is nuttin else to say.

GIMME him.

like, NOW!

jo.irish.rose said...

suz, he lives in NC in the country and close to a busy farm road. one is just a harness, the other is a training collar, just for when he is out of the house, on a 1-10, they told me it is only on a 2. he responds so easily to it. such a good boy. the last orange one is just reflective. which all of them come off when he is in the house. i lubs him. and no, chris, you have a bella. he does look alot like your ozzie. i have some of his puppy pics. he was such a cute baby!!did you have your dogs as pups or get them as big doggies? well, off to search for my dictionary again. a bloggers work is never done!!