c'est la moux pas la choux.


Babies, babies, whos’s got the babies??

Why I do, of course!  And I have had them all weekend!  My lil grand babes have got mom and daddy working, so Nonna and Papa got to keep them until their schedules synced together.  So, today it is our house, and I am cooking a home made spaghetti, started it this morning.  It smell delish, wanna join us?  You are all welcome.  As long as you bring your toys and play nice.  K?





my lil sammy and i, he didn’t feel good here.


this is my lil molly moo, she isn’t here, but..cute.





and finally me and my jordy bug.



And there you have my fun filled weekend, lots of laughs, love, food, diapers, poop, snot, a few headaches, sore muscles but hey, it is all worth it.  I got one more night next week, and then all done. So what did you do fun this weekend?  Can’t wait to dig into that spaghetti.  Hope I don’t have to wipe it off the newly renovated white walls and neat floors???  AGHHH!!!  note to self: get out one plastic shower curtain to drape over dining room! lol