Wishing everyone out in bloggy land a safe and blessed 4th of July with family, friends and furry ones. Please take special care with the little ones when setting off the loud kabooms. The human ones and the furry ones alike. I have 3 little wieners that are terrified of loud noises and dread the fireworks for this reason. No amount of loving and coddling can comfort them. So for those not protected, I worry.
My brother and his wife and sister are on their way out to my pad from Austin, TX for about 10 days. I am sooooooo excited. They have never been to this side of the world. We have BIG plans of thrifting, crafting, shopping, swimming in our new pool, and of course, lots of good eating!!! They are arriving tomorrow!!! Yeah!!
After they leave. just a week later, my other sister and her kids are coming for a week from Omaha, NE!!! I can't believe all my luck and all the company I am having!!! I am sooo excited they get to see my newly renovated master bedroom suite, plus get to visit me too!! How cool is that?? We will spend alot of our time at the beach with the kids. One is 21, the other is 16, so it will be quite imperative to stay busy, busy, busy!!!!
Well, that's not all folks!! I got more!!! After she leaves.....I take off for two luxurious weeks to Ft. Walton Beach, FL to see my other two babies Molly and Delilah......
Yeah these two scrumptious cupcakes to lavish them with kisses and sniff their youthfulness out of them!!! Yup, I do that....I steal their youngness right out of them.....just by inhaling their smell. I love it. Nothing like the smell of wriggly little babies....specially when they have cake all over them. Nom, Nom!!!
Well, I think that's all I have for now. I will have more pictures to post after our festive feast from tomorrow! Have a safe one now. Be responsible. God Bless!!