c'est la moux pas la choux.


For My Daddy, Happy Birthday!!


Me, (in pink) Dad, and my sister Denise, 1966, Malone, NY.


After the divorce, the little guy is my

half brother Kenny.

My mom and dad met in Quebec City, Canada at the Chateau Frontenac on the promenade in 1953.  As the story goes, it was love at first sight.  They were married in 1954 a short time later.  My mom did not speak any English and dad spoke very little French.  I guess they spoke the language of love.  They moved to my dad’s birth place in Connecticut.  That is where all of us were born.  There are 4 of us.  Some of you may know my oldest sister C, known as “ No Drama For the Mama”, then there is a pair of twins, Denise and Dennis, and then I am the baby!!  The marriage didn’t last too long with dad being gone on the road all the time, mom had all of us alone all the time.  She had some suspicions about him which were, in the end, true.  So the inevitable was divorce, and a big move for mom and us kids. 


Our humble little house in Malone, NY.

Here we lived out our days until we all went our separate ways.  Dad would come visit us when he would pass through on his truck routes which were not too often.  We would cherish those times.  We had a hard but good life in our little house in upstate NY.  I think back on all those years….some good, some not so good.  I just wish I could of known my daddy more.  Happy birthday to you, and hope to see you again one day!  I love you!  xxxxxx oooooo