voila!! my wonderful husband has restored life back into the ole girl!! well he reformatted her. poor thing. we had to do complete by-pass (i had to go through and save everything near and dear, put it on his laptop) then he just completely took everything off and it was just like it came when it was new again. i think. now i have to go and "JO"-ize everything all over again. but it is better than buying a new one. again, i think. well i wanted a new one. i am ready for a MAC. but he wants one too. and until we can both get one, i dont think i am getting one. i am lucky to have this one. it is me lil baby come back to life. bless her little cd rom. so, now the chore of getting her the way she was...but all in due time. meanwhile...i am off to pack...i have a trip coming up, ya know! me and me lil delly jo (my laptop, so lovingly named) are off to NE in a couple of days to see my brother and sissies. a BIG party is a plannin'. it is a surprise, so don't tell. my middle brother and sister, they are twins, are turning 50, don't know i am coming. it will be the 1st time in over 10 years we have all been together. SO...i am so excited...of course "C" my oldest sister and i will be posting pics of the gang, and the extravaganza's, i am sure there will be more than one while we are together. my brother, he is the one we were worried about with the cancer, was cleared of intestinal cancer, but still may have lung cancer. we won't know for another week or so. darn doctors just make you wait. enough to drive you to drink when you are already sick!!