c'est la moux pas la choux.


Happy 4th of July and All that

Hey....it's been awhile....thought i'd better get on here and let you all know i was still alive and kickin. yup...still here. happy 4th of july and all that jazz! hope everyone had a good one. we had a quiet one getting ready for a major overhaul of our kitchen. we had to move all our living room stuff out...well dining room junk first, then living room, cuz we are relocating the dining room to the living area...then we are making a great room out of the old dining area....plus part of the old living room....then of course the kitchen makeover. well....i decided this would be a really good time to go visit my sister.

i didn't really mean to leave at this time. REALLY....i didn't. she just had some major medical crap done and i was soooo worried, i just had to go see her. they did a heart catherization thinking they may have to do by pass surgery....thankfully they didn't. but i was a nervous wreck. and being that she is me fave sissy....well, i had to go see her. so i begged me hunny. and he just couldn't tell me no. and the soonest i could leave was well, you guessed it....the week of destruction/renovations. so...i will be gone for 3 whole weeks and it will be all said and done when i return! darn....i won't be here for any of it...."sigh" i'm so sad, darn....can you tell? i'm really "sniff" sad about that....but someone has to go on vacation....dang it....so its gonna be me.

meanwhile....back at the ranch....hunny will hold down the fort with MIL and FIL and all will be well. I will go to my sisters' and see both of them. they will fight over me as usual. we will frolic in her pool....grill dindin whenever the urge hits....sleep in....look at old pictures like we used to......talk about family and remember them in all different kind of ways.....mostly just the one sister that does that, lol....eat good food that only we can make when we are together......enjoy this time verrrrry much cuz it will FLY by sooooo fast!!!!