c'est la moux pas la choux.


Getting Ready to Take Flight

Yup, I’m getting ready to take off!!  In just a few short days I’m leaving for FL to my daughters for a whole month!!  I’m going a bit early in case they have to induce her.  I don’t want to miss the arrival of my lil Delilah Rose!! 



My baby at her shower, she is in the middle with her big belly!!  All the other girls at the shower with her that were preggo too!!  There is a joke going around there that it’s in the water if you drink it, you will get pregnant.  So, I commented that I will do my best to avoid the tap water while there.  But I made a joke on FB, I would come home pregnant to my honey….and my daughter was grossed out.  Now that would totally be impossible…since all the plumbing had been removed, and she knew that, but it still would be funny!!  And a miracle to boot!!  God would really want for us to have another for that to happen!! Especially without my hubby present!!  haha! 


So, of course there will be a thousand pictures up here of Delilah as soon as the moment happens.  And the play by play details.  Well, as much as she will allow me to put on here.  She is very modest.  Just like her mom…..lmao!!!  Yeah, right!  And of course my little Molly Moo will be so excited, she’s the BIG sister, and will be all too ready to tell her side of the story.  Well, I have some packing and sorting to do…I will be there a month, and I have no idea what to bring.  The problems of a Nonna…..right?  Stay tuned right here, for the next chapter of the Delilah diaries…..lol!