c'est la moux pas la choux.


My Babies are Coming!!!

Haha, made you look! Bet you thought I was having a baby, didn’t you?  Well, I am….just not this week.  Next week I will be.  Two of them to be exact.  My original….my daughter.  My youngest…my baby…my original baby.  And her baby, Molly, plus her unborn baby, Delilah Rose.  Well, if she changes the name, I’m in big trouble because I’ve written that name many places now.  lol



Someone forgot her pants, but then who needs pants??  i dont wear mine in the kitchen, do you?


My Nonna got me this new apron for my birthday….cuz I love to cook with my mommy!


Pretending to be a baby, before my new sister comes along.


My beautiful mommy, she takes good care of me….and when my sister is born, i will help her too.